05 February 2007

Super Bowl Sunday

My mom stopped by last night during the Super Bowl to drop off a toy for George's birthday so she got to meet Josie. This will be the first "stranger" Josie has met so I was very curious as to how she'd do. No problem. She sat like a good girl, did the leaning thing but didn't bark, growl or jump up on my mom. Part of that though might have been because George and Sasha were barking and jumping and there wasn't any room for Josie to get in there and be obnoxious too. The woman who surrendered Josie was older (her mom was with her when I picked Josie up) so she's used to being around older people (she had her grandchildren over a lot too so Josie is good with kids). She did really really well

She's up on the Green Acres website now! Scroll down to see Josie!

Here are some photos of her I took last night:

She's constantly moving towards me as I try to take a photo so I have about 85 shots of her nose! Here's #37.

Here she is just before she leapt off the couch and licked the camera.

The magic of cropping: I am holding her in place with one hand as I try to take the picture. She's very wiggly!

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