26 June 2008


Yes, I'm still alive! I apologize to my legions of loyal readers - aka my mom - for being blogless for the past few months. I've gone through a lot of changes in my life lately and I really wasn't - and am still not - entirely sure where things would take me. The biggest change is that Sasha was diagnosed with a fairly severe heart problem, which necessitated our early retirement from agility. We had been doing that consistently for the past five or six years, so there's a big gaping hole in my life as I try to find something to fill that void. I have also taken a break from teaching as well. It is just so hard to remain enthusiastic about the sport and to pass that enthusiasm on to my students when I am heartbroken that we can't compete any more. I can't give 100%, and that's not fair to them. One of the hardest things about that is that I no longer see my friends from agility any more. There are a couple people I saw every Monday that are really fun to be around but since I'm not running Sasha or teaching any more, I don't see them, and that makes me sad. So, I guess all in all I just sort of feel adrift right now and I'm not sure where I'm going next.

Sorry to get so morose. No one wants to read about how I'm contemplating life and what it all means, blah blah blah... I promise to be more upbeat. In fact, I heard there was a new Ugliest Dog winner: a one-eyed, three-legged Chinese Crested. I'll have to dig around for photos to post. In the meantime, stay tuned. I'll be posting more stuff soon.


snoutbeagle said...

Your mom and I both read your blog!

I miss you too, really do. I miss your enthusiasm and your patience and I'm preparing myself to mourn the fact that I may not someday be your assistant, something I was looking forward to if you would have wanted me to. I can't imagine the hole, or even more so the worry that comes with Sasha not being well enough to do agility anymore. I would completely understand your decision to not go back to teaching at this point as I'm sure it's only more of a reminder of the hole.

I will send you an e-mail soon as I'm not sure how often you check your blog. In the meantime, take care of yourself and your family.


Alabaster Mom said...

Oh sure, you wait until I am *this* close to giving up on you and then you post on your blog. Sheesh.

Dave Fink said...

Alabaster mom, that will be $5 please.