27 March 2007

Incoming - Really!

What a hectic couple of weeks! We were going to get a foster (Tank) and then one of our past adopters who also serves as an on/off foster home lost one of their dogs a few months ago. Tank looked like he would be a good match for them so they decided to foster him and lo and behold, they're now adopting him! So, we were just down to our two for awhile. Tonight, that's changing. I'm off to pick up our latest foster! His name is currently Hades but we're going to rename him, since Hades (the Greek Mythology term for Hell) isn't really a very good dog name. We've kicked around a bunch of names: Starsky, Spartacus, Wilson, Sully/Sullivan, Hank and Sparky. The winning name is... Presley! Presley is supposed to be a very nice dog so hopefully introductions will go well tonight and there will be no problems. Cross your paws and fingers!

1 comment:

Drasch23 said...

I have a good reason to tag you for a meme, you haven't posted in forever so get crakilakin.
